dissabte, 18 de setembre del 2010


Hola a tots.

Després de l'article del vaixell del nostre rebesavi, espero que ningú s'hagi mort d'aburriment llegint-lo, us posaré al dia:

Ja hem fet la primera part de la nostra travessa. Estem a Canàries.

La navegació es pot resumir així:

El Mediterrani es va mostrar tranquil i va ser un plaer navegar durant tres dies fins a Gibraltar.

L'Estret, pels que no ho han fet mai, és molt curiós. Hi ha corrents, remolins, pasteres i tot un seguit d'esdeveniments força acollonidors.

"Por favor mercante, por favor gire al norte, mercane sivousple mercante" i tot un seguit de veus i merder... després silenci... :(( ¿?

L'Atlantic va començar amb boira, desprès va entrar un vent del NNE que va arribar a una punta de 30 nusos. Resultat, a tota castanya rumb a Canàries.

En fi, us penjo un vídeo.

1 comentari:

  1. Good morning (or evening, or night, it depends when and where you are reading this message),
    my name is Simone Giacomel. I am a 29 years old from Italy, currently leaving and working in Toronto, Canada.
    I am writing to you because I found your name on the ARC entries list. I imagine you get plenty of these emails, but maybe I am just wrong or maybe I am just lucky, so I just keep on going, even if the common sense tells me I might be sound silly.
    Before, I would like to talk briefly about me. My background is in computer and IT: I am a computer engineer by profession, kind of traveller as lifestyle. 2 years ago I went to Australia on freighter: loved it! One of the best experiences in my life. 28 days on a big irony boat carrying between 700 and 1200 containers, 200 meters long, 23 people on board, I barely met them some days. It was cool, honestly. People often asked me what I did on the boat. Many things, but most important, I never ever felt bored. There was always so much to do and see, even if I was just a passenger.
    Went to Australia, fell in love with oceans, began scuba diving (I got my open water licence in Sipadan, Borneo), surfing and other ocean activities. The next year I tried to hitchike a sailing boat from Darwin to Indonesia but I was a bit late. I came back to Italy in 2010 and I got some sailing lessons on the lake of Como. Not enough, of course, to be ready to sail.
    I have to get back to Europe for July 2011. And I have this dream in my head, I would like to get back crossing the ocean. The ARC Europe is the best thing I can imagine can happen for me to go back. I don't like flying, not because it's bad or scary. I don't like flying because it's a waste of chances. There so much to see and do in between two places, always, and flying it likes ruining these chances. Travelling by land, or by oceans, is the best way to feel the distances.
    So, well, guess what? I was going to ask you if you need any crew, or if you know anybody who does, for your 2011 ARC Europe.
    Any advice or suggestion is much appreciated.
    I hope to hear from you, and in the meantime I wish you a great Christmas and a lovely New Year.
    Thank you for your time.
